Friday, December 3, 2010

5 Question Friday and a confession...

1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?!
Oh ok this is sooooooo easy!!  As much as I gripe and complain about my touch screen phone and how much I hate it(don't judge ladies!) The one thing I want more then anything for Christmas this year is an ipod touch!! Ohhhhh I can just see me now listening to music, playing a game and having a blast..can you see it?!!!  Can you?!!!  *sighhhhh* Hopefully Mr. M has gotten the hint too!!! Cross your fingers for me ladies. :)

2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past?
Ok so I am totally going to tell you all something that I probably have not shared with you in the past..Mr. M. Is. Not. Good at taking hints!!!  I have tried to train him but I finally gave up a few years back. Now I just tell my children and tell them to tell daddy. It works for me. Anywho...point is that one year I told my oldest that she needed to tell daddy I really wanted a new truck. We had just had our second little girl and my poor little Trooper was feeling cramped. I really really wanted a Tahoe....I mean bad!!!!   So anywho a few weeks before Christmas we went to Atlanta to help my grandmother move and when we got to our home town Mr. M told me we needed to go to the dealership where we got the Trooper for some maintenence. Ok so totally believable and of course being that Mr. M sucks as surprises and stuff I was totally clueless....until we got to the dealership and parked right in front was the most beautiful red Tahoe I have ever seen in my life!!! For real ya'll it's gorgeous..just sayin'!!  He has done a lot more over the years but that was the one that really got me and made me start believing in Santa clause again.

3. If you had life to do over, what would you be when you grow up?
I wouldn't change a single thing!! I love my life. I love my husband. I love my kids and I love being a stay at home mom.

4. When do you put up your tree?
Well it differs every year. Mostly it depends on if Mr. M is here or not, then it depends on how in the spirit I am and what we have going on for Thanksgiving weekend. Usually our tree goes up either the week before Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving weekend.

5. What is your favorite Holiday?
Christmas absolutely!!!  I love the songs, the decorations, the baking, the cooking, the happiness it just seems to bring to majority of the world. Don't you just love Christmas?!!!  I do!!!

Ok so now onto a confession of my own...I know my blogging has been horrible lately and I have to say it just hasn't been easy to try and keep up with everything lately. I love being involved in things but lately it seems like I am doing more for others then I even have to do for myself. My gym schedule is all out of whack and I am starting to feel it.  I love working out because it makes me feel good so when I don't get to do it I can really tell.

This week over 200 caramel apples have been made, supplies picked up, snow shoveled, signs made, Christmas presents bought and tons and tons of mail picked up and carried up 3 floors..ughhh I hate the 3rd floor when I have stuff in my hands.  

All of this said here is my confession....I am a total lover of Christmas and everything about this Holiday season and yet this year I am so NOT in the mood for it all!!  I have no idea why not and no idea how to change that but honestly we have been to the Christmas market, put up our tree, decorated our house and we even have snow outside and yet...nothing!!  I need to figure this out and I am dying to be in that wonderful spirit and enjoy this time of year and be happy just to be alive and living in the spirit of the season but right now I feel more like...bahumbug!!

I know it's horrible!  Please feel free to share how you get in the spirit of the season! Maybe it will help...dear loodies I hope it helps!  Yupp I make up words all the's called me a parent. Duhhhh!  :)


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