Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Window shopping and European living

Believe it or not I actually had some time to myself today. By that I mean all emails were answered and returned early this morning, the house was picked up and dishes done early this morning and my errands were super fast since I wasn't able to find a dang thing I was looking for anyway.

So by 11am today I was home and bored.  What to do...what to do....OMG I am going to window shop. It's a bit chilly here so going outside or downtown is not going to happen so I go online to window shop. How do you window shop online you say?!  Well let me tell you. It is much more fun then window shopping in real life with the one exception of there is no coffee stop on the way..bummer!!  Oh well, so you go to random shopping sites and check out what they have and add anything you want to the cart...don't hold back ladies add it ALL!!  Then when you are done you go check out your cart, marvel at the insane total of everything you really want and then you start deciding what you really want and what you can do without.  Once you have deleted enough that you actually think you could buy it without feeling too guilty then comes my favorite part....close the browser!!  Yupp you heard me right!  Close. That. Browser!   That is how you window shop online. It's not as much fun as real life but I have found the older I get and the busier I get window shopping just haven't have the same luster as it used to.  Sighhhhh  that means I am losing some of my shopping gene.....EEEEEKSSS!!!

The one thing I absolutely hate about living overseas is having a great big American suv....ohhh the things I have to deal with because of it.  Aside from Mr. M making several dents and dings in my baby so that I have to wait to get back to the States to get those fixed because here they woud charge me an arm and a leg just because for some reason they see big American suv and think big money..haha they are NOT funny!!  I recently found out that my old rims had ruined my front suspension and I needed 2 new wheel bearings...oh joy to the world for me..NOT!!  So as I go online to try to order the parts...have you ever gone into a German parts store and tried to ask if they happen to carry a part for your big American suv?!?!  Not fun ladies..not fun at ALL!!!  So yes I had to go online and of course I have no idea what I am doing so I am finding stuff and emailing the site to my mechanic who probably thinks I am nuts but that's a whole other story to find out yes I finally found the right part. Yay me!!  Then the wait begins.  Wait for the email saying they got your order. Wait for the email saying they shipped your order. Then wait for the post office to email you and say you have a package only to go and realize it is something from someone else and then keep waiting for yet another email.  If I don't get my truck fixed by this weekend I am not going to be happy.  Not happy at all!!

Did I mention my mom is coming next Monday for a few weeks visit?!?!  I need my truck!!!!!  Pray for me people...seriously pray for me!!!!


ali said...

Being prepared is essential if you wish to get a job. Your resume should detail all of your current qualifications.You should list all of your achievements, including your degrees, degrees and certification. Do not leave out anything that is relevant to your previous employers.bhakti Bhajan
Religion Bhajan

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