Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post it note Tuesday!

It's Tuesday and that means it's time to put those post its up and get it all out!!  If you would like to join in on the fun go on over to Supah's and get in on all the fun!

Tomorrow I will be able to update a few pics since I have a camera that works again!!!! Yayyyyy!  Have a great Tuesday everyone!


Clevelandpoet said...

oh man not the whole bottle of old spice guy

hate that guy!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say I was jealous of your new camera and then saw that you are/could be going to France this weekend. Um, yeah the jealousy over that trumps the camera jealousy! ;-)

Stopping by from Supah's! Happy Tuesday!

Little Mochi said...

Have a terrific visit to France!

And that Old Spice Guy is making appearances just about everywhere!!!

cfoxes33 said...

That's my dad you are talking about! LOL

jayayceeblog said...

I think breathing all the old spice is causing your headaches. I am so allergic to perfumes and cologne!

Cassie said...

Yay for the new camera!!!

Oka said...

My 9 year old just started wearing deodorant and body spray, I had to get on his case about the body spray, LOL

Hope you get to France this weekend.

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