Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday short.....

I was given an award by Something beautiful. You should all go check out her amazing blog!!  Of course I am not trying to send you away or anything but you should broaden your reading you know!! *grins*

So here is my award..
and surprisingly this is the second time I have received this all really do like my blog!! Waaahoooooooo for me!!!!  I do so love to receive things...yes it is better to give then to receive but come on getting stuff is pretty flipping fabulous isn't it?!!!!!

So thank you thank you to Something beautiful for thinking of me with this one!!

Sorry this one is just a little short post but I have a ton of food to get ready for a fairwell today and 2 kids to get out of bed and ready. I will post more when I get the chace so for now....I hope you all enjoy your weekend as I hope that we will!!


Unknown said...

congrats on the award!!

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Comments are fabulous and so are the lovely people who leave them for me!! Now spill it sista!!