Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Only Parent Chronicles


Mom in High Heels said...

We had a great time with you guys! I can't believe you haven't been over before. We must do that again.

heather@actingbalanced.com said...

Congrats on such a great holiday! My big Christmas presents were the new baby sleeping 6 hrs straight and some beautiful additions to my family necklace courtesy of hubby! Stopping by from PINT
Heather from Acting Balanced

Queenie Jeannie said...

So happy to find you happier!! Sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas!

I got tons of new crafty goodies, most of which haven't actually ARRIVED yet...but they're on their way. *hopefully*

Pamela Gold said...

WOW...Coach shoes??? I'm fracking jealous over here...

Renegades said...

I got spoiled by being surrounded by my family. By having them be fun and making me laugh. We were so blessed.

twinkietotmom said...

Stopping by from PINT! Wow...you do have a good husband! I can't wait to see pics of the Coach shoes! My present was a sewing machine...working on projects as we speak!

One with many names said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas that you had :D Thanks for sharing your PINTS.

KristinFilut said...

We were in Chicago for the holiday and were blessed to be able to spend time with my brother's family, my aunt, and my favorite cousin's family. My boyfriend and his son were with us. It was great. Aaaaaand, I got a Pandora charm bracelet with 4 charms!

cmunch26 said...

I like the post-it note thing... Very cute! And I love your blog. I saved your button to my blog. As for me... I got an apron from my hubby that reads Domesticated Diva and my little one got one to match that reads Diva in Training. Too cute huh?

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